3D tools, designs and methods to increase sales, to monetise your space, for highly visible reminders and directional signs in health & security matters and crowd control. Since 2004.
Our famous 3D FloorGraphics enabled POS-campaigns, decorated social and sports events, recruited staff and provided safety in countless applications.
Shapeshifter Media StairGraphics are the ONLY method to transform a staircase into a visually seamless large advertising format without destroying your image in the process. We invented and perfected them.
A wall, a window, a building, a billboard. Transform and monetise your vertical surface with our 3D WallGraphics.
Wether its your company's truck fleet or your Nascar racing car. Shapeshifter Media turns unused surfaces on your vehicle into valuable advertising and communication space. Or in short: We turn it into money.
Hire a 3D influencer! Communication to the client in the moment of purchase, right in front of the product shelf has become more important than ever.
Usable as a seamless 3D too for branding your sales space, as a portable virtual environment for events or to quickly set up a scene for TV-shows, the 3D Holodeck can be ready in minutes.